Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Does dieting cause hair loss?

Dieting can have a negative effect on hair growth. From my experience it seems that if dieting stresses your body it can cause hair loss. It’s more likely that the stress itself will cause the hair loss than the reduction in nutrient intake. However if you start an extreme diet the reduction in nutrients could also have a detrimental effect on your hair.

The silly thing is, it’s easy to get all the nutrients your hair needs, while also following a weight loss program. Keep reading to find out how.

Areas of dieting you should avoid to prevent hair lossCrash dieting

Crash dieting is the worst thing you can do for your hair. If you’re going to diet for weight loss reasons, steadily transition from your current diet to your new weight loss diet. If you suddenly make a massive change to your diet and then just as suddenly change again (and so forth), you could have a negative impact on your hair growth. However the effects on your hair might not show for months after you have changed your diet, because the dieting is more likely to slow your hair growth and even turn some hairs dormant

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